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About Scars
- Herbap Matrix is Effective on
Scar Cares
- Scars after surgery
- Scars after Cesarean Section
- Keloid Scars
- Scars after Trauma
- Effective Measures to Prevent Scarring
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DSM + SDAA New Scar Prevention Technology
Research studies showed that 94% of Asian patients develop hypertrophic scars following surgical procedures 1. Recognizing this challenge, Herbal Matrix Scar Gel has been specifically formulated to address these concerns. Our innovative product effectively prevents hypertrophic and keloid scars, providing a comprehensive solution for scar management. With Herbal Matrix, we aim to enhance healing and improve the aesthetic outcomes for patients, ensuring they can achieve the best possible results post surgery.
Common types of scars
Skin fibrosis or scleroderma typically refers to a condition in which there is an excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix in the dermis during the process of wound healing or tissue repair following skin damage. In most cases, this series of cellular actions often results in the formation of lifelong hypertrophic scars on the skin.