This privacy policy applies to all users of this website and is governed by and adheres to the relevant requirements of the Personal Data ( Privacy ) Ordinance ( Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong ) ( hereinafter referred to as the " Privacy Ordinance " ) . Herbap Matrix collects, uses and discloses users' personal information ( hereinafter referred to as "personal information" ) in an effort to create a safe, smooth, efficient and personalized experience for you. This Privacy Policy outlines Herbap Matrix’s policies and responsibilities regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal data.

By continuing to use Herbap Matrix's services, you indicate that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by this Privacy Policy , which Herbap Matrix's policy on the collection, use and disclosure of personal information may be revised from time to time.

This policy is divided into two parts :
•    Part One : General Customer Information Privacy Policy Statement
•    Part 2 : Privacy Policy Statement regarding customer information collected through the Herbap Matrix website and Herbap Matrix mobile service devices

Part 1 : General Customer Information Privacy Policy Statement

  1. Personal Information Collection Statement
    1.1. Herbap Matrix will not collect any unnecessary personal information from users except for the purpose of providing services to users and protecting the accounts opened by users at Herbap Matrix.     1.2. When you use our website, Herbap Matrix may ask users to provide personal information. Personal information includes, but is not limited to, the user's name, date of birth, gender, telephone number, email address , residential or other address and payment account information. Please note that users are required to provide certain personal information ( which will be specified when collecting personal information ) . 
  2.  Use and disclosure of personal data
    2.1. If the user provides any personal data to Herbap Matrix, it will be deemed that Herbap Matrix has authorized Herbap Matrix to collect, retain and use the user's personal data for the following purposes :
    (a) To use Provide customer service, including but not limited to processing and related ordering and refund services for the products provided by Herbap Matrix's website; (b) Provide users with more personalized services when using Herbap Matrix's website and To respond to users' inquiries, comments or claims;
    (c) to provide users with Herbap Matrix's communications and marketing materials;
    (d) to conduct surveys or statistical analysis to improve products and services and for marketing and promotional purposes ;
    (e) Confirm user identity; and
    (f) make necessary disclosures for any of the above purposes or as required by law.

    2.2. Users further agree that Herbap Matrix may disclose and transfer users' personal information to third-party service providers hired by Herbap Matrix to assist Herbap Matrix in providing services to users ( including data login, management of customer databases, and any Products provided by our stores or websites to process, conduct and verify related sales, orders, refund services and / or replacement services, contact users regarding promotions, delivery services and other customer services, and handle them in a safe manner User's personal information ( "Third Party Service Providers" ) . All Third Party Service Providers have a duty of confidentiality to Herbap Matrix and are only permitted to use User's personal information as set out in Section A.2.1 above. purposes and shall not use such information for its own purposes ( including direct marketing purposes )

2.3 . Herbap Matrix may disclose and transfer ( whether in Hong Kong or overseas ) users' personal information to Herbap Matrix's professional advisors, law enforcement agencies, insurance companies, government and regulatory agencies and other organizations for the purposes listed in Section A.2.1(f) above .

2.4. Herbap Matrix may use users' personal information to provide users with marketing information related to the following goods and services : (a) products or services provided or sold by Herbap Matrix retail stores ; (b) other commercial companies. The products and services of the above parties include the following categories : retail, cosmetics and beauty, health, personal care, medical care, infant care, prenatal and postnatal care, insurance, finance, music, sports, gambling ( lottery ) , catering, travel, Transportation, banking, electronics, home furnishing, home products , textiles, telecommunications, food and beverages, groceries, office and business supplies, technology, outdoor, furniture, lighting, decoration, media ( including digital ) , e-commerce platforms and service providers ( including Online trading, payments and auctions ) and publishing.

2.5. Herbap Matrix may share aggregate user information that cannot be identified with third parties for different purposes ( including marketing and publicity ) , and may use such information to better understand user needs and improve Herbap Matrix's products. and service.

2.6. Any personal data provided by the User will be retained by Herbap Matrix and may be accessed by Herbap Matrix’s employees, third-party service providers and third-party agencies engaged by them for the purposes set out in clause A.2.1 above. 

3. Confidentiality

3.1. Personal data held by Herbap Matrix about online shopping users and website visitors will be treated confidentially in accordance with this privacy policy. 

3.2. Any questions, comments, suggestions or information ( other than personal information ) sent by Internet visitors or posted on the Herbap Matrix web page or any part thereof will be deemed to be voluntarily provided to Herbap Matrix in the form of non-confidential and non-proprietary information . Herbap Matrix reserves the right to freely use, copy, disclose, transmit, publish, broadcast and / or publish such information in other places, including for the development, manufacture and promotion of products and services and to meet customer needs. Information is provided to any affiliated companies.

4. Security of personal data

4.1. Herbap Matrix makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that all personal data held by Herbap Matrix is stored in a safe and secure place and can only be accessed by authorized personnel or third-party service providers.

4.2. Please note that no system can be completely immune to intrusion, and it is impossible to guarantee the complete security of any information provided on the Internet. Therefore, Herbap Matrix cannot guarantee the security of information transmitted by users to Herbap Matrix or received by users from Herbap Matrix over the Internet. 

5.Web link

This page may contain hyperlinks to other websites and websites operated by third parties. Herbap Matrix has no control over the content of these websites or the way they process users' personal data. Users should review the privacy policies of these third-party websites to understand how these websites use users’ personal information.

6. Information collected when users use this website

The Company may use small text files ( " Cookies " ) on this website to :

(a) make security measures more stringent;
(b) enable online customers to continue browsing the web;
(c) provide services based on the needs of individual customers Provide personalized web pages ; and
(d) create profiles of online customers or visitors.

A small text file is stored on the user's hard drive and is information about the user's preferences when using Herbap Matrix's website, allowing Herbap Matrix's website to make adjustments to suit the user the next time the user browses. Users who do not allow this feature can change their browser settings. However, disallowing the use of small text files may prevent users from accessing all parts of this website.

7. Right to access or correct personal information

7.1. According to the Privacy Ordinance , users have the right to access and request correction of the user's personal information held by Herbap Matrix ( if necessary ) .

7.2. In accordance with the Privacy Ordinance , Herbap Matrix reserves the right to charge reasonable fees to users for processing any request to access or correct personal data.

8. Updates to the Privacy Ordinance 

Herbap Matrix will modify or update this privacy policy from time to time, and will post it on this website with a date mark to let users know when the privacy policy was last updated. Subject to applicable law, the English version of this Privacy Policy shall prevail over any version thereof written in another language. In the event of any discrepancy in understanding between the English version of the Privacy Policy and any translation, the English version of the Privacy Policy Statement will prevail.

Part 2 : Privacy Policy Statement - regarding customer information collected through the Herbap Matrix website and Herbap Matrix mobile service equipment 

1. Security Protection
Herbap Matrix takes the personal information collected through this website and mobile service facilities seriously. All personal data collected on the website and through mobile service facilities will be protected by encrypted servers. In addition, SSL ( Secure Socket Layer ) will protect the transmission of data from the Internet to the system.

For example, when you send sensitive information such as credit card information through a website, the information is encrypted before being sent to the Internet.

In order to further enhance your online transactions, Herbap Matrix also uses relevant software programs to monitor network traffic to identify attempts to upload or change personal information without authorization, perpetuate fraudulent or illegal activities, or other behavior that may cause damage. . If monitoring reveals evidence of possible abuse or criminal activity, such evidence will be provided to relevant law enforcement agencies or agencies without prior notification to the user.

In order for users to enjoy secure online services ( when users use mobile service facilities ) and their accounts, users can register as a Herbap Matrix member and obtain a unique membership number or user account and password. Users should not share member / user IDs or passwords with others and should log out immediately after completing browsing or ordering and take recommended precautions to ensure safe use of this mobile service facility.

Herbap Matrix has implemented timestamps as an additional security feature to show when you were last seen and logged out of the site in the past. If the user notices any abnormality, please notify Herbap Matrix immediately. 

2. Cookies

Most websites use cookies to improve your online experience. Cookies are small pieces of information that are sent to a user's computer for identification purposes when they browse a website. It can be used to track user activities on the website, and this information can help Herbap Matrix understand user preferences and improve the website experience. It can also be used to log information such as usernames and passwords.

If users choose not to receive cookies , they can turn them off themselves. Users can also set the computer to send reminders whenever they use it. Both options require the user to adjust browser settings ( such as Internet Explorer) . There are also software products available that allow users to manage Cookies . Please note that when the browser is set to cookies , it may also limit the functionality of the website the user is visiting, and the user may not be able to use certain functions.

3. Click on the flow data

In order to improve your online experience, Herbap Matrix may track online behavior or click-through data to assist users in using the website and track the processing of submissions from other websites. This information will not be stored in customer records and will only be collected for statistical analysis purposes.

4. Links to other websites

For user convenience and reference, Herbap Matrix also provides links to other websites. Users access these websites at their own risk and Herbap Matrix is not responsible for the content contained on these websites. Although Herbap Matrix protects personal data on its website, it cannot control and is not responsible for the policies of other websites or users sharing personal data on other websites. Please note that this privacy policy does not cover other websites, so Herbap Matrix recommends that you also understand the specific policies of other websites.

5. Minors

Herbap Matrix cannot distinguish the age of the people who use its website. If a minor ( subject to applicable law ) provides personal information to Herbap Matrix without the consent of his or her parents or guardians , his or her parents or guardians should contact Herbap Matrix to delete the minor's customer information and cancel the membership account.

6. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google. Google uses the data collected and uses to track and study website traffic to prepare reports on its activity and share the data with other Google services. Google may use the collected information to personalize ads and its advertising network. For more details, please see Google 's privacy policy.